Marquee on March 16 – Opawa

Where and When: Brougham St and Ensors Road from 9.00 AM till 1.00 PM
Operators: Di Genet, Christine Parr and Geoffrey Rathbun
Impressions:  It was a great day weather wise.  A HUGE number of cars saw us.  We handed out ALL of our materials, and sold about 10 bumper stickers.   

These two people (not related) came up to us from different directions.  So so nice to have great support.

DSC01326Here is Di.  She was quite new to all this, but slowly she gained her confidence.  Thanks Di for your great help, and for the interesting conversations we had

This is me and Di.

This is the Opawa style sign.  Very good and double sided.

Once again, Christine really got into the handing out of material.  This was great.  Just like last time, I was handing out across the intersection, so the marquee was empty.

This is a laugh.  I think “The Breeze” must have seen us set up at this great spot, so they tried to take over “our” corner.  We set up our marquee in front of this hoarding.  It also proved useful to me as I changed my clothing unseen from prying female eyes, hidden between the boards !  ha ha


Now, if we could get one of these hoardings, it might be quite good.  Now, there IS an idea !

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